Michael’s Wood

Modern vegetable farming is all about productivity. A field which can not produce consistent, viable crops and support good rotations doesn’t fit the system. When the same field is sloping, north facing, bounded on 2 sides with water courses and adjoins rich existing wildlife habitats its time to make a change. In winter 21/22 we planted 15 ha of this and a neighbouring field with a mixed deciduous woodland under the English Woodland Carbon Creation Offer (EWCO). A government scheme to help England hit a 30,000 tree per year planting target and sequester Carbon. Managed and certified under the Woodland Carbon Code (WCC) the Carbon from Michael’s Wood can be purchased for Offsets via the Carbon Store website. We will continue to maintain and care for the woodland and associated biodiversity and hope to one day enjoy a return managing the predominantly Oak and Hornbeam Woodland.

We are now able to offer a service to establish new woodland for clients, from tree planting and deer fencing to a full turnkey solution, planning your woodland and managing grant applications on your behalf.

A native mix of deciduous varieties, predominantly Oak and Hornbeam with a scattering of Pine. The trees were planted by hand into bare land which we now maintain. The trees are now knee high despite a serious drought in their first growing season in 2022 - fortunately we have irrigation on farm so we did help them along!

The woodland is now looking good with an incredibly diverse naturally generated sward of volunteers. The main planting is surrounded by deer and rabbit fence which also keeps out four legged predators like foxes, badger and cats. As a result the small mammal and bird population is thriving. In winter a walk across would put up snipe and partridge while a summer walk is accompanied by the song of scores of skylarks which are nesting on-site.

A recent survey by the local wildlife group identified very high numbers of different species of plants and insects, in turn providing food for the local bat population as well as the birds we enjoy in daylight hours.

The Wood

Our units from Michael’s Woods are available currently as Pending Issuance Units (PIU’s) and on further verification in 2025 will be available as Woodland Carbon Units (WCU’s). We work with Carbonstore, a leading UK based Carbon broker who would be pleased to discuss a sale of some or all of these units. Click below if you are interested.

Purchase Carbon Units


Hurdles Farm Habitat Bank